2018 and onwards: Work at Healis continues to build an exhaustive quality database to promulgate our vision of advancing public health through innovative science and evidence-based research.
A report on ‘Smokeless Tobacco and Public Health in India’ providing a comprehensive overview of the burden of smokeless tobacco use in India was published in 2017. This report attempted to offer specific direction on addressing the public health impact of smokeless tobacco use in India. Dr. PC Gupta was one of the scientific editors of this report along with Dr. Samira Asma, Dr. Dhirendra Sinha, Dr. Monika Arora and Dr. Mark Parascondola.
TCP India Wave 3, follow-up survey of the TCP India Wave 2 survey began in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal.
Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Tobacco Use and Tobacco Control Policy, a multilevel longitudinal cohort study aimed at discerning factors associated with adolescent tobacco use in India, started in cities of Mumbai and Kolkata in India.
With the intention of determining the feasibility of building the capacity of cluster coordinators in program implementation, work began on an intervention dissemination study in Bihar in collaboration with Dana-Farber Cancer Institute & Harvard School of Public Health, USA- Disseminating an evidence-based tobacco control intervention for School Teachers in India.
To understand the prevalence of tobacco use among school students, to Global Youth Tobacco Survey Maharashtra, using tablets for the first time, began under the aegis of Healis.
Smokeless Tobacco and Public Health: A Global Perspective, a comprehensive report on increased use of smokeless tobacco products, high industry promotion and lack of a stringent smokeless tobacco product monitoring and surveillance system was released.
: Healis received the Can India Conclave award for the Most impactful NGO/Program Category during South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) level Can India Conclave (CIC) at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.
Dr. PC Gupta was the Technical Editor and Dr. Mangesh Pednekar was a contributing author in the October-December 2012 issue of the Indian Journal of Cancer.
Dr. PC Gupta was a part of the expert meeting on South-South and triangular cooperation to promote implementation of the WHO FCTC held at WHO Headquarters, Geneva.
TCP India Wave 2, follow-up of the TCP India Wave 1 began in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal. Findings from TCP India Wave 2 were later published as an online report titled “TCP India Survey Wave 2 Technical Report”.
Assessing the impact of intervention towards implementing smoke free policies on indoor air quality in hospitality venues, Healis conducted the air quality monitoring study in bars and restaurants across Mumbai.
Identifying emerging occupational health problems, Mumbai Worksite Study was initiated to test an intervention for tobacco cessation aimed at manufacturing worksites in and around Mumbai.
Under the leadership of Healis, Tobacco Control Policy Project-Wave 1, India began in four states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal. A longitudinal cohort study, this project identified the patterns and prevalence of tobacco use in India as well the compliance of various tobacco control policies and laws formulated in the country. TCP India Project Report- a report on findings from TCP India wave 1 was compiled and later published.
Dr. PC Gupta and Dr. Mangesh Pednekar were contributing authors in the Supplement 1 of Volume 47 of The Indian Journal of Cancer in the year 2010.
Bidi smoking and Public Health- a monograph edited by Dr. PC Gupta, Director, Healis-Sekhsaria Intitue for Public Health along with Dr. Samira Asma of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was released at the hands of the Secretary of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, India, Mr. Naresh Dayal.
Identifying the high prevalence of tobacco use in Bihar, one of the first community-based cluster randomized trials conducted in India- the Bihar School Teacher Study was planned along with Harvard School of Public Health.
Dr. PC Gupta attended the conference on IARC Handbooks on Tobacco Control, volume-2: Evaluating Effectiveness of Population Based Tobacco Control at Lyon, France.
Dr. Pc Gupta was a part of the Regional Consultation on Mortality Statistics held in New Delhi, India in April 2007. The overall objective of the consultation was to develop an understanding of the status of collection and reporting of mortality statistics in countries of the WHO South –East Asia Region and to discuss methods to improve data availability as well as data quality.
Dr. PC Gupta attended the 2007 Asia-Pacific Quit-line workshop in Taiwan, which was intended to provide a forum for quit-line professionals and scholars to establish a body of professional quit-line knowledge.
Follow-up for Mumbai Cohort Study, a large-scale cohort study of ~1, 50,000 adults aged more than 35years planned by Healis, began.
Report on Tobacco Control in India" a report providing a comprehensive review of existing problems in India owing to tobacco use- from public health challenges to policy responses was released. This report has significant contributions from members of the research team at Healis.
Dr. PC Gupta and Dr. Mangesh Pednekar served as contributing authors in the July-September 2004 issue of the Indian Journal of Public Health.