Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
04.10.2023 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 74,13,560.00 |
10.10.2023 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 36,46,067.00 |
31.10.2023 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 47,74,480.00 |
06.11.2023 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 19,01,512.00 |
20.11.2023 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 28,21,450.00 |
12.12.2023 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 47,89,197.00 |
28.12.2023 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 8,58,147.00 |
Total | 2,62,04,413.00 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
13.07.2023 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 70,11,699.00 |
23.08.2023 | Grant received from University of Minnesota | 7,82,183.00 |
18.09.2023 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 35,89,765.00 |
22.09.2023 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 42,35,647.00 |
Total | 1,56,19,294.00 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
21.06.2023 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 2,913,652.00 |
27.06.2023 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 4,795,387.00 |
Total | 7,709,039.00 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
28.02.2023 | Grant received from University of Minnesota | 1,022,166.00 |
13.03.2023 | Grant received from University of Waterloo | 2,216,671.00 |
Total | 3,238,837.00 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
20.10.2022 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 4,245,312.00 |
28.10.2022 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 2,905,677.00 |
Total | 7,150,989.00 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
06.04.2022 | BMJ Publishing Group Limited | 37,375.00 |
11.04.2022 | Grant received from Durban University Technology | 4,573,267.79 |
06.06.2022 | Grant received from University of Minnesota | 955,098.00 |
Total | 5,565,740.79 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
31.03.2022 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 3,097,364.00 |
Total | 3,097,364.00 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
12.11.2021 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 2,994,304.75 |
03.12.2021 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 1,034,776.60 |
Total | 4,029,081.35 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
29.09.2021 | Grant received from University of Minnesota | 1,912,636.80 |
Total | 1,912,636.80 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
25.06.2021 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 4,503,070.00 |
Total | 4,503,070.00 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
18.01.2021 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 1,824,538.23 |
03.03.2021 | Hindawi Limited | 192,528.67 |
08.03.2021 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 1,699,589.40 |
Total | 3,716,656.30 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
15.10.2020 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 998,607.20 |
16.10.2020 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 481,113.86 |
30.12.2020 | National Foundation for Centers for Disease control and prevention Inc. | 270,961.60 |
Total | 1,750,682.66 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
07.07.2020 | National Foundation for Centers for Disease control and prevention Inc. | 277,475.10 |
15.07.2020 | Grant received from University of Minnesota | 925,414.20 |
06.08.2020 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 1,650,801.45 |
Total | 2,853,690.75 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
29.04.2020 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 2,501,689.14 |
27.05.2020 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 1,177,117.40 |
Total | 3,678,806.54 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
22.01.2020 | National Foundation for Centers for Disease control and prevention Inc. | 262,587.10 |
22.01.2020 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 907,766.85 |
22.01.2020 | Grant received from University of Minnesota | 876,231.00 |
22.01.2020 | Grant received from University of Waterloo | 5,385,000.00 |
03.02.2020 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 1,293,336.72 |
17.03.2020 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 8,515,744.16 |
Total | 17,240,665.83 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
09.10.2019 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 675,852.45 |
17.10.2019 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 4,091,129.55 |
30.10.2019 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 976,684.26 |
20.11.2019 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 684,743.36 |
Total | 6,428,409.62 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
16.07.2019 | National Foundation for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Inc. | 253,989.28 |
22.07.2019 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 3,687,901.68 |
24.07.2019 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 3,481,008.96 |
27.08.2019 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 2,699,285.16 |
30.08.2019 | Grant received from Durban University Technology | 3,859,889.61 |
Total | 13,982,074.69 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
30.04.2019 | Tobacco Free Kids Action Fund | 693,700.00 |
18.06.2019 | Grant received from University of Minnesota | 841,023.30 |
24.06.2019 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 4,012,760.50 |
Total | 5,547,483.80 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
07.01.2019 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 5,369,408.60 |
08.01.2019 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 3,164,347.68 |
14.01.2019 | Grant received from University of Minnesota | 849,382.65 |
24.01.2019 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 3,854,830.60 |
12.03.2019 | National Foundation for Centers for Disease control and prevention Inc. | 257,376.30 |
14.03.2019 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 3,616,952.66 |
Total | 17,112,298.49 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
20.04.2018 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 2,909,729.21 |
06.06.2018 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 3,191,495.10 |
Total | 6,101,224.31 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
8.10.2018 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 313,902.27 |
8.10.2018 | Grant received from University of Minnesota | 1,788,827.07 |
10.10.2018 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 4,994,726.12 |
16.10.2018 | Grant received from University of Waterloo | 5,623,875.00 |
29.10.2018 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 2,117,649.54 |
22.11.2018 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 328,253.23 |
27.12.2018 | Tobacco Free Kids Action Fund | 698,400.00 |
Total | 15,865,633.23 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
20.04.2018 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 2,909,729.21 |
06.06.2018 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 3,191,495.10 |
Total | 6,101,224.31 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
20.04.2018 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 2,909,729.21 |
06.06.2018 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 3,191,495.10 |
Total | 6,101,224.31 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
01.01.2018 | Johns Hopkins University | 2,892,563.41 |
17.01.2018 | Johns Hopkins University | 263,099.57 |
31.01.2018 | Johns Hopkins University | 39,525.70 |
07.03.2018 | Vital Strategies | 1,293,423.48 |
28.03.2018 | National Foundation for Centers for Disease control and prevention Inc. | 250,131.20 |
Total | 4,738,743.36 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
17.11.2017 | Johns Hopkins University | 2,142,200.93 |
21.11.2017 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 3,096,615.59 |
11.12.2017 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 780,030.64 |
Total | 6,018,847.16 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
25.07.2017 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 3,902,227.61 |
31.07.2017 | Grant received from University of Waterloo | 2,562,000.00 |
01.08.2017 | National Foundation for Centers for Disease control and prevention Inc. | 205,212.43 |
07.08.2017 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 3,032,231.93 |
Total | 9,701,671.97 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
03.04.2017 | Grant received from University of Michigan | 4,723,676.85 |
21.04.2017 | Johns Hopkins | 464,127.04 |
03.05.2017 | Johns Hopkins | 60,423.30 |
23.06.2017 | Grant received from Dana Farber Cancer Institute | 3,070,385.21 |
Total | 8,318,612.40 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
13.02.2017 | National Foundation for centres for Disease control and prevention Inc. | 319,913.92 |
23.01.2017 | Tobacco Free Kids Action Fund | 70,835.16 |
31.1.2017 | Tobacco Free Kids Action Fund | 484,397.34 |
17.03.2017 | Tobacco Free Kids Action Fund | 2,281,892.80 |
Total | 3,157,039.22 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
14.10.2016 | Tobacco Free Kids Action Fund | 69,324.26 |
16.11.2016 | Tobacco Free Kids Action Fund | 70,439.20 |
16.12.2016 | Tobacco Free Kids Action Fund | 70,418.36 |
26.12.2016 | Tobacco Free Kids Action Fund | 70,407.94 |
16.11.2016 | Tobacco Free Kids Action Fund | 2,357,212.00 |
16.12.2016 | Johns Hopkins | 353,578.56 |
22.12.2016 | Johns Hopkins | 254,566.92 |
Total | 3,245,947.24 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Received (Rs.) |
19.7.2016 | National Foundation for centres for Disease control and prevention Inc. | 259,075.52 |
13.7.2016 | Tobacco Free Kids Action Fund | 144,125.84 |
29.8.2016 | Tobacco Free Kids Action Fund | 73,276.78 |
Total | 476,478.14 |
Date of Receipt | Donor's Name | Amount Recieved (Rs.) |
22.04.2016 | Tobacco Free Kids Action Fund | 143,964.93 |
03.05.2016 | Tobacco Free Kids Action Fund | 3,076,772.66 |
03.05.2016 | Tobacco Free Kids Action Fund | 85,160.79 |
Total | 3,305,898.38 |